Assignment batch 3 Part 1 Parody & part 2 UGC

Part 1 Parody video

Group Members : Wahiuz, Riphdy, Shane, Leon


Part 2 : How User Generated content / UGC have changed the way i view and understand mainstream tradition tv?

User Generated Content has been referred to any types of content like blog post, videos, pictures, tweets that has been put up by any users on to their social media account. The UGC is more of using their followers or audience to promote their certain brand, instead of the brand company promoting its brand by itself.


This method have been proven effective, even though majority of the followers of the brand are being unpaid, they have been helping to promote the brand mostly via sharing photos of the brand. UGC can be anywhere as social medias are commonly used in this modern age while traditional advertising on TV are only when commercial breaks in between shows. One of the examples that are being widely posted are Starbucks & Coffee Bean as majority coffee lovers tends to take picture of their buys and post it on their social media with hashtags, celebrities especially Korean idols attract more attentions on their social medias, therefore people who are following their social medias are able to see more often of the certain brand.


I feel that UGC has more freedom for social media users to express their views and concerns on sharing and discussing certain topics that are not suitable and will be censored in traditional tv. Audience are now able to know two sides of the stories from social media instead of being fed by one side from traditional tv, for example government news on traditional tv will be more likely to be reported one sided, more advantages to the government. With UGC, audiences should have the ability to choose and know the information they intake are credible and reliable as some users might be making up some stories just for viewing rates.

Both UGC and traditional tv have their own pros and cons, however in my personal view, UGC is more efficient in this modern era, be it as public sphere for anyone to spill out their opinions and discussions on any topics or as advertisement on any brands


Part 1: Subvertisement poster & Part 2: Public Sphere

Group members : Elissa, Ken, Ghee Khan, Leonie



My group decided to create a subvertisement poster on 3 different advertisements instead of focusing on just one advertisement. All 3 advertisements represent and gives off different meaning ; physical superficial, beauty and money,false reality. These  will make people deluge in some areas where they usually only see the outer surface of it, for example the first advertisement is about changing girls perspective views on the body of the guys, therefore my group decide to slam it back as it is too appearance superficial to just look at the fit tight abs body and showing examples of what if the guys have good shape body but not good looking faces.


Part 2

What is public sphere?

Public sphere is believe to be an place or area that is unrestricted or not controlled by anyone where eavesdropping is everywhere and enable people to gather around to chat, discuss and criticize certain sensitive things among themselves like society and government/political.

Mediated public sphere!

As the world progress, public sphere have also move to digital media world, Youtube has become one of the big public sphere for people all around the world to discuss politics and world wide affairs of almost any countries without facing any consequenes.

USA has become one of the common country to be discuss of their affairs like elected president for example Donald Trump being elected as the latest US president that resulted in alot of discussing and comments from all around the world. The following video discuss the reasons on whether will Donald Trump be a good president, but in the comment section, there are alot of people who gives their views and some debates going on.

In the comment section of the video, there are debates and discussions on whether Donald Trump will be a good president, and there are alot of different views and comments from other people



Therefore i feel that Youtube has become common but big public sphere where many popular media text will be trend and found. Society problems like world affairs around the world have videos commonly upload on to youtube, it allows people to freely discuss and share their thoughts on the incident together with people from any other country, debating and some critizism, however there are no consequnces even if the person talk bad about the company or government in his comment, it is a free open critical discussions
