The‘Uses and gratifications’ research asks what and how do people make used of the media

  1. Research and explain in your own words what a uses and gratifications research would look for.

In this modern era where technology is advanced and available everywhere, more and more people are getting used to the media for their entertainment like watching shows/movies online, playing online games and using the search engine to search any questions anywhere anytime. Even the older generations like our parents or even grandparents are getting custom to use the new technology and i have seen many of the elderly are totally familiar with the usage of media.

After much reading and researching, i found out that the uses and gratifications would look to understand Why does people nowadays turn to media for their entertainmentWhat media can give to the people, What is the needs of the people for media and How media can provide entertainment and satisfy the needs to the people / audiences.

In order to look into these questions, it is essential to use the theory of Uses and Gratifications, that stats that people are being categorized into 5 different groups for their different uses and gratifications of the media.

  • Cognitive needs
  • Affective needs
  • Personal integrative needs
  • Social integrative needs
  • Tension free needs

2. Cite one example of ways how‘lobby’ groups make use of a particular readings of images to make an argument or stand.

Firstly, Lobby groups refer to a group of people like an interest group, coming together to influence certain issues and actions especially on Politics


World Animal Foundation was formed by animal lovers as an non profit organisation to help preserve the animals in the planet from abusing, human activity threats, endangered species and certain environment issues.

Groups like World Animal Foundation would come together and make a firm stand and statements to the their own local Government or to other countries involved, asking to free the animals or close down the places like Zoo if the groups happened to see such images/videos from media, articles or situation related about animals being treated badly in other counties, therefore the group will try to argue and influence their local Government in supporting them by helping to negotiate with the involved company or country to do what’s best for the animals.
