What is wrong with the ‘media effects’ model? and What are some interesting questions to ask about the role of the media today?

Second Blog Post 


Question: What is wrong with the ‘media effects’ model?

According to David Gauntlett’s article on media effects, there are ten things wrong with the media effects model. However i will only be stating a few that i feel essential and important. Most of the points in the media effects model are based on assumptions, one sided views and selective.

1) Whenever there is cases on violence, murder, crime or any big negative impact happening in the society, majority will start to pinpoint to media influence over these people as the first conclusion that make them for committing such acts

2) Majority of the research / experiment are done based on children instead of adults, this is one sided since to have a fair comparison research, there should be a group of children and adults to show the results of similarity and differences in the 2 groups

3) The media effects model select and amplify the “effects” of violence in news or television drama / movies, it make a big issues of it to shows that violence is being promoted widely in the media and therefore able to influence people as majority people are using media nowadays which can easily access and seen these “violence” that can change their thinking, however it did not state/show the after effects or consequences of such acts for the perpetrator which is meant to teach people and promoting anti violence with certain consequences widely

I personally feel that majority people will shift the blame to media at the first place whenever there are cases and news about especially children to teenagers committing acts like violence, murder, robbery etc , most probably because media is everywhere and able to access it easily regardless of any age or place, but because children and teenagers are usually on media for long period, many will speculate that all their knowledge, their perspective views on certain things comes from the media, on whatever they are watching on, for example majority people will think that if a teenager committed murder/violence related cases, it is because he watched too much violence movies or show on the media that influence his thinking and perspective views that violence is normal in this reality world. I would like to say that everything has 2 sides, pro and con, you can make use of knowledge to improve and help others or use the knowledge to degrade and harm people, there is no eternity always good and bad, it depends on the user. There are many factors that compliment each other that cause one person to commit acts, therefore i feel that people should not just based on one factor and determined the cause that motivate the person to carry out such crime / acts, like blaming media for everytime some crimes arise in the society


Question: What are some interesting questions to ask about the role of the media today?

  1. As the technology become more advance, will the people be over dependent on media?
  2. Majority people find media easy to access and to learn or watch any part of the world by just searching at the search engine, but will this make them uninterested to go out to the world to explore or even to school?


