About Me :)

Hellos, im Leon, pls do call me L if couldnt remember my name. This is the first Blog Post for BCM110. I’m more of a mandarin person than english, so normally i will speak in chinese and somehow my mandarin is better than english which is opposite than majority of people. As mentioned earlier during the intro in class, I’m from Republic Poly studied Interactive & Digital Media, used to Intern and Part time at Epicentre at Ion Orchard. I sucks at remembering people names and usually sit alone whenever i am, but i can be real noisy once i’m familiar with u all 🙂 Reason why i choose to study psychology was due to the fact in the past i’m already interested in psychology and wanna know more about it but couldnt got in during poly. i’m terrible in studying but i will still try my best to keep it up 😀


My life is quite boring as usually i’m staying at home watching Japanese anime,  Taiwan and Korean drama or variety show like Running man 😀 and i’m really an huge fan of Running man especially Monday Couple


I dont really watch much American shows except for Marvel/DC superheroes movies and Captain America played by Chris Evans interest me the most as well as RDJ acting out as Tony Stark/Iron man, both their acting skills makes the movie move up to another higher level to me.Untitled.png

Exercising is also part of my life which i make sure to do it almost daily, i will use 2-3 hours to the nearest park to exercise and workout or roam around to any basketball court to play with others if my group of  basketball buddies are free to come out


Eating is another comfort for me, i have a huge love Japanese ramen and usually go for Ramen Keisuke Tori King and had tried only two outlets mainly from Tanjong Pagar and Paya Labar, totally recommend this to anyone who loves ramen, different feel and taste from Ajisen, its 15/10 to me in terms of taste


I had 1 keyboard and 2 guitar at home, all self learned and know how to play some basics stuffs, i used to play music with 2 of my friends but its all Chinese songs and i do  write abit of lyrics on my own and normally we make music in one of my friend house whereby he have his own mini studio with all the equips whereby we spend time playing around with songs and making some music.

Investigating the Murder of James Bulger (1993)

This Ba Chor Mee 110

Group members: Shanne, Leon, Keisha, Zuo En

Possible factors leading to the brutal murder of James Bulger by Robert Thompson and Jon Venables.

1. Family

– Robert Thompson And Jon  Venables lived with their mother with the absence of their father

– Ann Thompson was portrayed as an incompetent alcoholic, while Susan Venables was painted as a loose woman whose neighbours “noted a procession of men friends for Mrs Venables”.

– Both mother were strict on Jon and Robert in the family respectively

2. Relationship between the boys

– Both Robert and Jon had difficulties with attendance, learning and behaviour at school. They bunked off, they shoplifted, they were violent; all these pieces in a pattern that made up a pair of empty, broken young lives

– Neighbors near of Robert and Jon area reported that they have seen both doing crurl acts on animals likes; pigeons, having their heads shot off with an airgun, of rabbits being tied to railway lines

– Robert and Jon lived and experience in the similar environment and surrounding whereby the period is when the world of social and economic deprivation, of trashy television and cultural poverty, inadequate social services, failed schooling and general confusion

3. Media

Jon’s dad who rented ‘Child Play 3’ film
Many stated that techniques of murder were similar to those found in film, though no evidence was found that both boys had watched…

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